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The Sound  of  Heaven


Going forward we would like to stretch the conventional, and perhaps your, understanding of what Testimony is.


It may well be that your understanding of testimony my be more crucial than you understand in a number of ways.


Open your heart and mind for what we will unfold ahead.

Here is a simple question. If asked for a testimony, what would you expect to hear from the majority of brethren who you love and fellowship with?


My own experience over the years has been an eye opener. When asked for a testimony many come up short, some fail to respond, and others instinctively default to how they were saved years ago. It also is not uncommon to hear some recount a very spiritual “signs and wonders” type experience. These are the simplistic notions of what “testimony” is for too many. Although these can be wonderful testimonies, we are making the case for testimony to be much more.


In reality, our testimonies can and should be the foundational fabric of God’s work through the Body of Christ to this world. The great “landmark testimonies” and “signs and wonders” testimonies may be memorable, but it is the transparent every day realities of who Jesus is in our lives that draw others to the living epistles we are called to be and that they can relate to.


Our testimonies are as consistent and ongoing as His faithfulness to move and work in our lives.


As we learn to understand and identify His work within our life we begin to grow beyond the “how” of our salvation and bring Him a fuller aspect of glory.


Then our testimonies can begin to reflect the ongoing realities of the “why” and “what” of our personal relationship with Jesus.

We must believe that the revelation of Jesus through our lives can and should shake this world.

The very first people group were saved as a direct result of a Samaritan woman who met Jesus at the well as mentioned in John 4:28-29. Running back to her community with a testimony of Jesus knowing her life story compelled a town to seek Him.


He also shows us repeatedly that He knows our life stories. The continual realization of this on a day to day and season to season basis is where our unending source of testimony begins.


Again, our testimonies are meant to grow beyond the “how” of our salvation. They need to reflect the ongoing realities of the “why” and “what” of our personal relationship with Jesus. Testimony of what God is currently doing today, in our current season of our life, can bring light that others need. When our testimonies become real, transparent and communicable they become as treasure to the world. As “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17) within the Body of Christ they also become treasure. It is the underscored words in the previous sentence (linked for greater depth) that allow our testimonies to communicate effective and receivable wisdom to others.


There are multiple and significant resources regarding effective testimony within the Matthias Ministries website. We anticipate seeing these resources continue to grow over time.




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