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A New and Better Day

Sunrise over the Wheat Field


There was a time in Ezekiel’s day when the Lord was very clear about the importance of the specifications of where His Presence would dwell and His Glory abide (Ezekiel 40-43). Ezekiel shows that His Glory returned to His people as His Presence returned to His temple.


Since the advent of Pentecost, His Presence is assured and within us. The New Testament Church does not only await the coming of God's Glory from above, for His Glory is meant to EMERGE FROM WITHIN. This, of course, is because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.


When the Lord returns, His Glory will be revealed in two ways. His Glory will unfold visibly upon the clouds of the Eastern sky, and His Glory will also emanate from within our being as His radiant Bride. On the one hand His coming Glory will be upon seen by everyone descending with a shout from on high, and on the other His Glory will burst forth from within His Bride, who is saturated with His Glory. These are the objective and subjective aspects of the coming Glory of the Lord.


The More of Him We Shall Inherit


Yet there is more to receive from Ezekiel. Ezekiel foreshadows the Scriptural principle of God’s Glory being manifested among His people as He gains a proper place of habitation. When the temple of was properly completed, the fullness of God became manifest to Israel. That same principle stands today as the gift of the Holy Spirit finds His habitation built up in the dwelling place of His people, the Church. Likewise, as the Church today sanctifies herself, and the desire for His visitation becomes a desperate hunger for His habitation, we too will see His purpose manifest in and through us like never before.


Finally, and again, His purpose and His desire is for us to carry and radiate His Glory. The very essence of “let Your will be done, let Your Kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10) becomes reality as we radiate a tangible reality of His Glory that invades and covers the Earth.


The God of “more” wants us to desire the more He wants to give us. This is the calling of deep unto deep” as we seek His Purpose in His beautiful Presence.



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